Our commitment

We are at the forefront of a changing paradigm in the business world

The notion that all things relate and interconnect in the deep multidimensional systems of our planet is deeply embodied in our beliefs, culture, and values.


Hemera Capital Partners shares with their founders the principles and commitment to be at the forefront of a changing paradigm in the business world, that seeks the outspread of responsibility and accountability as fundamental beliefs and, consequently, attitudes, among all economic agents and societies in general.

Acting actively for the change of this paradigm in the business world is a responsibility that we assume as part of our mission. As a player in the asset management and investment banking industry, we are deeply committed to excelling in the provision of such services under this new paradigm. Our objective is to achieve long term sustainability in the creation of value and rethink the dynamic of business, under the principles of shared value.

Companies (…) continue to view value creation narrowly, optimizing short-term financial performance in a bubble while missing the most important customer needs and ignoring the broader influences that determine their longer-term success. The solution lies in the principle of shared value, which involves creating economic value in a way that also creates value for society by addressing its needs and challenges. Shared Value is not about “sharing” the value already created by firms – a redistribution approach. Instead, it is about expanding the total pool of economic and social value. This will drive the next wave of innovation and productivity growth in the global economy. By Michael E. Porter and Mark R. Kramer in “Creating Shared Value”, Harvard Business Review, January-February 2011

Being inquisitive in the way we approach any transaction, rethinking the business models and reaching out to all stakeholders can, we believe, be the right driver of innovation in the pursuit of shared value. By fulfilling these goals, we maximize the benefits of our clients’ engagement in the core markets and proactively manage many of the main drivers of volatility that arise in countries with a less mature institutional base.

Through our action, both in investment banking but especially in asset management, we commit to developing profitable, value-creating, and socially responsible private enterprises and transactions, that should create objective impacts, measured under Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) principles and other benchmarks of Corporate and Social Responsibility (CSR).

Our main focus is centred on three main areas that we believe have a strong influence in the level of responsibility and sustainability of any company, which are the alignment of strategy with sustainability, compliance and transparency.


H-Impact, The HCP initiative
to drive impact

Our commitment to achieve long term sustainability in the creation of value and rethink the dynamic of business, under the principles of shared value, led us to create H-Impact, our initiative to drive impact and sustainability.

Visit H-Impact Website